Зміст курсу
2. Testing Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle
acceptance testing, black-box testing, component integration testing, component testing, confirmation testing, functional testing, integration testing, maintenance testing, non-functional testing, regression testing, shift-left, system integration testing, system testing, test level, test object, test type, white-box testing
ISTQB course CTFL v4.0
Про урок

Testware is created as output work products from the test activities described in section 1.4.1. There is a significant variation in how different organizations produce, shape, name, organize and manage their work products. Proper configuration management (see section 5.4) ensures consistency and integrity of work products. The following list of work products is not exhaustive:
• Test planning work products include: test plan, test schedule, risk register, and entry and exit criteria (see section 5.1). Risk register is a list of risks together with risk likelihood, risk impact and information about risk mitigation (see section 5.2). Test schedule, risk register and entry and exit criteria are often a part of the test plan.
• Test monitoring and control work products include: test progress reports (see section 5.3.2), documentation of control directives (see section 5.3) and risk information (see section 5.2).
• Test analysis work products include: (prioritized) test conditions (e.g., acceptance criteria, see section 4.5.2), and defect reports regarding defects in the test basis (if not fixed directly).
• Test design work products include: (prioritized) test cases, test charters, coverage items, test data requirements and test environment requirements.
• Test implementation work products include: test procedures, automated test scripts, test
suites, test data, test execution schedule, and test environment elements. Examples of test environment elements include: stubs, drivers, simulators, and service virtualizations.
• Test execution work products include: test logs, and defect reports (see section 5.5).
• Test completion work products include: test completion report (see section 5.3.2), action items for improvement of subsequent projects or iterations, documented lessons learned, and change requests (e.g., as product backlog items)